Методика образования

Сохраненить в памяти

Допустим, вы нашли слово, выписали (или просто посмотрели в словаре). Как сохранить его в памяти?Это зависит от характерных свойств вашей памяти и от того...


Викторины - Is, Are, Has

Canada...famous for its sweet maple syrup.

Antarctica...many icebergs.

Three–quarters of the world's diamonds...mined in southern Africa.

Викторины - Reported Speech

Mary 'I love chocolate.'
Jill: 'Mary said (that) she...chocolate.'

a. loved
b. loves
c. loving

Mary: 'I went skiing.'
Jill: 'Mary said (that) she...skiing.'

a. went
b. had gone
c. have gone

Викторины - Self-Study Grammar Quizzes. Active and Passive Voice.

Everybody___by the terrible news yesterday.

was shocked

Mr. Green___at the University since 1989.

has been teaching
has been taught