Методика образования

Сохраненить в памяти

Допустим, вы нашли слово, выписали (или просто посмотрели в словаре). Как сохранить его в памяти?Это зависит от характерных свойств вашей памяти и от того...


Викторины - Go or Do

I'll...my homework later.

a. go
b. do

He said he'll...to the party. I hope he does.

a. go
b. do

I'll...to the doctors this afternoon.

a. go
b. do

Викторины - Subject and Verb Agreement

The use of vitamin supplements and herbs (be)...becoming increasingly popular among Americans.

While many studies claim that vitamins and herbs can improve health, there (be)...a lot of controversy about their safety.


Викторины - Indirect Questions

Who built that enormous bridge? (I wonder...)

What's Brazil like? (I want to find out...)

Did Benjamin Franklin write 'Poor Richard's Almanac'?....