Новые способы обучения

Какой язык нужно выучить?

Отвечая на этот вопрос, нужно определить цель: для чего мне нужен английский язык? Если, к примеру, вы собираетесь сдавать TOEFL...

Викторины - Adjective or Adverb

He's a...driver.

a. dangerous
b. dangerously

He ate his dinner very....

a. quick
b. quickly

She's a...speller.

a. bad
b. badly

...the wind changed directions.

a. Sudden
b. Suddenly

Please try to be more....

a. careful
b. carefully

He walks so...in those boots.

a. heavy
b. heavily

She plays the piano....

a. perfect
b. perfectly

He is a...talker, but he never listens.

a. quick
b. quickly

She writes very....

a. bad
b. badly

There was a...noise last night. Did you hear it?

a. loud
b. loudly

She's a...driver, I think.

a. careful
b. carefully

She shouted...at him.

a. angry
b. angrily

He is a...worker.

a. careless
b. carelessly

If you ask..., I will give it to you.

a. nice
b. nicely

Be Quiet! I can't think...if you are talking.

a. clear
b. clearly

Why are you...?

a. angry
b. angrily

You are always so..., come on!

a. slow
b. slowly

Those chocolates look.... Can I have one?

a. nice
b. nicely

She opened the door....

a. slow
b. slowly

It is a beautiful...day.

a. clear
b. clearly

You write so.... Look at these mistakes.

a. careless
b. carelessly

If you drive...don't be surprised if you have an accident.


It was not a hard assignment because Dr. Brown explained it....


Karen is the best student in class. She studies....


Be...to visitors if you want them to come back to your country.


I could not sleep...last night, so I feel...today.

good, horrible
well, horrible
well, horribly

She's a poor driver. She can't stop the car....


The problem requires a...evaluation


He speaks so...that I can't understand him.


She is an opera singer. She sings....


Driving at night can be very...sometimes.


Mary is a...swimmer.

a. slow
b. slowly

Andrew plays the piano....

a. beautiful
b. beautifully

Mrs. Thompson sews....

a. quick
b. quickly

Mr. Garcia speaks....

a. loud
b. loudly

His kids are...students.

a. good
b. well

Joanna sings....

a. awful
b. awfully

Faye writes....

a. neat
b. neatly

Douglas and Hannah are...students.

a. bad
b. badly

Jessica is a...basketball player.

a. good
b. well

Patty doesn't cook....

a. good
b. well

Mr. Lopez is not a...policeman.

a. careful
b. carefully

Those girls talk....

a. intelligent
b. intelligently

I don't think I am a...athlete.

a. bad
b. badly

Викторины - Word Order

a. beautiful
b. to
c. lady
d. what
e. young
f. that
g. happened
h. ?

a. how
b. us
c. waiting
d. has
e. long
f. she
g. been
h. for
i. ?

on the table.

This is .

My father gave ....

Викторины - Will Be Doing, Will Have Done

My English class ends at 3 pm. So at 4 o'clock it...

a. will be ending
b. will have ended

John swims from 9 to 10 every morning. So at 9:30 tomorrow morninghe...

a. will be swimming
b. will have swum

A lot of people...shopping.

a. was
b. were

Tom and Sarah...watching television.

a. was
b. were

I...return your 10 dollars next week.

a. am
b. do
c. will


Викторины - Until, Since, For

I've lived in America...I was five years old.

a. until
b. since
c. for

He said he would be away...Monday.

a. until
b. since
c. for
