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Отвечая на этот вопрос, нужно определить цель: для чего мне нужен английский язык? Если, к примеру, вы собираетесь сдавать TOEFL...

Викторины - Question Tags and Short Answers

Luciano Pavarotti is a great singer,..._?

It isn't very cold today,..._?

Ms. Patton assigns a lot of homework,..._?

I didn't bring enough money,..._?

The children won't want to go to bed early,..._?

You have already seen Braveheart,..._?

The movie received several Oscars..._?

We can't keep our dog in the hotel room,..._?

The Braves would like to win another World Series ,..._?

Basketball players don't have small feet,..._?

You're coming to the party,...?

a. aren't you
b. isn't you
c. shouldn't you

It wasn't very difficult,...?

a. wasn't it
b. isn't it
c. was it

Tom is getting something for Sue,...?

a. wasn't he
b. isn't he
c. was he

It won't be anything expensive,...?

a. won't it
b. isn't it
c. will it

There's some milk in the refrigerator,...?

a. isn't there
b. isn't it
c. wasn't it

We don't need to go to the store today,...?

a. don't we
b. do I
c. do we

Susan can bring some food,...?

a. won't she
b. will she
c. can't she

The party starts at eight o'clock,...?

a. isn't it
b. doesn't it
c. does it

The movie was very long,...?

a. isn't it
b. wasn't it
c. was it

There's a dictionary on the shelf,...?

a. isn't it
b. isn't there
c. aren't there

There's a lot of noise outside,...?

a. aren't there
b. isn't there
c. is there

Mrs. Smith is sick,...?

a. isn't she
b. is she
c. wasn't she

The dishes are dirty,...?

a. weren't they
b. isn't they
c. aren't they

Steven won't be at the party,...?

a. won't he
b. isn't he
c. will he

The math test was very difficult,...?

a. wasn't it
b. isn't it
c. weren't they

We can go tomorrow,...?

a. won't we
b. can we
c. can't we

I'm early,...?

a. isn't I
b. aren't I
c. are I

This shirt is too big for me,...?

a. isn't it
b. doesn't it
c. does it

Emily plays the piano well,...?

a. isn't it
b. does she
c. doesn't she

Your neighbors went on vacation,...?

a. isn't they
b. didn't they
c. aren't they

He hasn't done it yet,...?

a. has he
b. hasn't he
c. had he

He's been to Italy twice,...?

a. has he
b. hasn't he
c. had he

He's got a camera,...?

a. has he
b. hasn't he
c. had he

He's got a nice house, but he hasn't got a car,...?

a. has he
b. hasn't he
c. had he

He hadn't got his time to talk,...?

a. has he
b. hasn't he
c. had he

He hasn't got any children,...?

a. has he
b. hasn't he
c. had he

Robert hasn't got any money left,...?

a. has he
b. hasn't he
c. had he

He has a beautiful wife,...?

a. has he
b. hasn't he
c. had he

He's got my newspaper again,...?

a. has he
b. hasn't he
c. had he

Andrew hadn't grown much,...?

a. has he
b. hasn't he
c. had he

She works in a bank,...?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

She didn't eat anything,...?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

She doesn't talk much,...?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

She loves you,...?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

She looks very beautiful today,...?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

She didn't go,...?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

She didn't close the door,...?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

She doesn't drive,...?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

She doesn't want to go,...?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

She looks tired,...?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

You don't smoke,...?

a. have you
b. are you
c. do you

You haven't got a car,...?

a. have you
b. are you
c. do you

You don't know her,...?

a. have you
b. are you
c. do you

You aren't going to Rome,...?

a. have you
b. are you
c. do you

You haven't been to London,...?

a. have you
b. are you
c. do you

You don't like ice cream,...?

a. have you
b. are you
c. do you

You aren't twenty–one,...?

a. have you
b. are you
c. do you

You aren't still angry,...?

a. have you
b. are you
c. do you

You haven't been on holiday,...?

a. have you
b. are you
c. do you

You aren't from America,...?

a. have you
b. are you
c. do you

Are you busy?

Do you live in New York?

Can Sylvia ride a bike?

Does your father read the newspaper every day?

Do you and your friends play soccer on Saturday?

Is your sister a doctor?

Can Jack and Brian play the piano?

Is Paris big?

Are you thirsty?

Does Robert like pepperoni pizza?

Are the students listening to music?

Is the supermarket next to the post office?

Is Leonardo di Caprio Vietnamese?

Is your mother sleeping?

Can you speak Portuguese?

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